Terms for HyrePass Subscription

These subscription terms establish the conditions for the renter's enrollment in HyrePass (subscription). By purchasing HyrePass, the renter receives prices and benefits in accordance with the respective subscription plan specified on hyre.dk/hyre-pass. Hyre's general terms and conditions apply to all subscriptions. The terms and conditions for HyrePass apply only in the country where the subscription is purchased.

Registration, Purchase, and Payment

Acceptance and purchase of a subscription occur via app.hyre.dk or through the Hyre app. The agreement is made when the renter confirms the purchase. The subscription fee is charged monthly to the renter's linked credit card. The subscription automatically renews after payment unless the renter cancels the subscription.

Benefits and Changes to Your Subscription

Hyre's price overview and marketing show the benefits and discounts associated with the subscription. This information will always be available on hyre.dk. Benefits may include lower prices, reduced insurance deductibles, more included kilometers, etc. Hyre reserves the right to change the benefits and discounts tied to the renter's subscription and the extent of these at any time. Hyre also reserves the right to amend the terms of the subscription. Significant changes to the subscription (e.g., the monthly subscription price) will be communicated in writing and will at a minimum adhere to the subscription termination notice period.

The subscription can be shared with up to three members of the same household. Hyre automatically tracks the usage of accounts and who has been granted access. Any abuse will result in the termination of the contract and exclusion from Hyre.

Cancellation and Change of Subscription Type

The renter may cancel the subscription at any time. The notice period is the ongoing month of the subscription + one month. The renter can use the vehicles under the subscription terms until the subscription ends. Consumption and fees will be charged continuously until the subscription ends. Prices for bookings made under an active subscription but realized after the subscription is no longer active will reflect the non-subscription prices. Upgrading the subscription type occurs immediately. Downgrading the subscription follows the notice period of the ongoing month of the subscription + one month before the change takes effect.If Hyre terminates the contract in connection with exclusion from Hyre (e.g., if the renter has violated Hyre's terms), any amounts already paid for the ongoing month will not be refunded.

Hyre reserves the right to close or block accounts for violations of Hyre's terms. Similarly, Hyre reserves the right to terminate a subscription without notice for any reason.

The renter's subscription purchase follows the statutory right of withdrawal of 14 days. The renter can only withdraw if the subscription has not been used within 14 days. The renter uses the subscription by completing a purchase through the subscription, utilizing a service, or taking a trip.

Personal Subscription and Limited Booking Access

HyrePass is a personal subscription and may therefore only be used by the registered user or users registered as household members of the subscription. The subscription allows only one active booking at a time for each member of the subscription, meaning that it is not permitted to have multiple active bookings.

Additionally, sharing bookings is only allowed with household members of the subscription. Sharing bookings outside the household is not permitted and is considered a violation of the subscription terms. Violating these terms may result in invoice adjustments or exclusion from Hyre.

Special Terms for PendlerPass

Pendler Pass provides free access to Hyre passenger cars (excluding vans) on weekdays (Monday to Friday). During weekends, holidays, vacations, and throughout July (including weekdays), prices and terms will follow the Premium subscription terms and prices. Hyre reserves the right to define what is considered "vacation." Additionally, for Pendler Pass, the duration of a booking may not exceed 72 hours, and a renter may have a maximum of five reserved bookings at a time under the subscription. In some cases, it may be possible for the renter to perform actions in the Hyre app that do not comply with these terms. In such cases, Hyre has the right to adjust the invoice for the respective booking to reflect the above terms.

Weekends, Holidays, Vacations:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Maundy Thursday
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • Ascension Day
  • Pentecost
  • Whit Monday
  • All of July
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day
  • New Year’s Eve
  • Winter Vacation (week 7)
  • Autumn Vacation (week 42)