Terms for renting

These terms and conditions for renting a car with Hyre ("Rental Terms") are part of the Agreement entered into between Hyre ApS, CVR no.: 42991481 ("we", "us" or "Hyre"), as the service provider of the products and services covered by the Hyre app, and you as the renter ("you", "your" or "Renter").

The Rental Terms regulate your rights and obligations as a user of Hyre's products, services, and offerings through the Hyre app (the "Service") as well as Hyre's rights and obligations as the provider of the Service. Access to and use of the Service are conditional upon you, as a user, having accepted the Agreement, including the Rental Terms. We encourage you to read the Agreement carefully and familiarize yourself with the content of the Agreement and other terms and conditions applicable to Hyre at any time, including the privacy policy (document no. 2) and other conditions.

Renter at Hyre

The Service is provided to you by Hyre. The status of Renter can be applied for by individuals who are 18 years of age or older. As a condition of being a Renter, you must have a valid driver's license for class B motor vehicles.

When you register as a user, you must also upload a copy of your valid driver's license. Hyre may at any time require re-verification of your driver's license, and Hyre is entitled at any time to verify the validity of your license through the Danish Road Traffic Authority's license register.

It is not allowed to create more than one profile per person. Your profile with Hyre is personal and cannot be transferred to a third party. We reserve the right to transfer our rights and obligations to you, in whole or in part, to another company. This may mean that your information is transferred to another company. In the event of such a transfer, you will receive notice from Hyre within a reasonable time.

Order and Agreement Process

You can book a car via the Hyre app (an "Order"). Once the Order has reached our server, a legally binding agreement has been created between the Renter and Hyre. As soon as the Order is registered with us, you will receive confirmation by email and in your profile in the Hyre app. In case of cancellation or modification of an Order, the Renter will be charged according to the current price list for cancellations and changes. We reserve the right to deny any Order without further justification.

A Renter cannot make a new booking for a car (an Order) if there are outstanding amounts owed to Hyre by the Renter.

The following terms apply as part of the agreement between the Renter, the insurance company, and Hyre (in no particular order):

  1. Membership Terms
  2. Rental Terms (this document)
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Insurance Terms
  5. Terms for applicable prices, fees, and expense rules
  6. Terms for HyrePass

Prices and Payment

Hyre's current prices are listed in the Hyre app and should be considered an integral part of the Rental Terms. All prices are stated inclusive of VAT unless otherwise indicated. The Renter covers all costs associated with the Order, including but not limited to toll fees, excess mileage charges, fuel costs, parking fees, and any other costs incurred by Hyre or the car owner as a result of use during the rental period. Our rental and leasing prices may change periodically, and we reserve the right to adjust prices due to changes in supplier prices, the consumer price index, or market changes.

Hyre may charge a pre-agreed fixed subscription, rental fee, as well as compensation for excess mileage, insurance, deductible reduction, return transport costs in case of breach, delivery of the car to a location other than agreed, collection fees, late payment interest, and other fees. Hyre may charge the Renter for claims related to, among others, public fines, parking fees, unpaid toll charges, and similar public fees and claims, where Hyre or the car owner is jointly liable with the driver/Renter.

Hyre may additionally charge the Renter for claims related to cleaning, repairs, and maintenance resulting from damage or breach of our terms during the rental period. This includes, but is not limited to, all internal and external administrative or case processing costs and transport or handling costs, such as re-invoicing of fees and costs for moving vehicles or damage assessments. If the car becomes unavailable for rent due to damage or repairs, the Renter's liability will also cover loss of rental income based on general market rental rates in Denmark.

In the case of renting an electric car, the Renter is required to ensure that the electric car is plugged in for charging at the end of the rental period. If this is not the case, the Renter will be charged a fee according to the applicable price list. Additional fees may be automatically charged to the Renter’s designated credit card. If this is not possible, Hyre will invoice the outstanding amount to the Renter. An administrative fee will then be applied according to Hyre’s current rates. Costs will subsequently be charged by Hyre as the service provider, or in the name of a third-party service provider.

Rental fees become payable from the time the car is reserved for a pre-booking or immediately for "Drive Now" rentals.

Rent, subscription, or fees are paid via a registered bank or credit card. In cases where the rental involves a fixed rental amount, Hyre will deduct the full rental amount from the Renter’s credit card before the rental period begins. At the same time as each Order, or at the latest when the rental starts, an amount ("Reservation" or "Reserved Amount") is reserved on the credit card as security for any monetary obligations from the Renter to Hyre under the Agreement. Hyre may collect ongoing payments during the rental period on behalf of third-party suppliers. The rental price, toll charges, compensation for excess mileage, and fuel costs will generally be charged to the credit card on the same day the rental ends (at Return), but can later be adjusted if errors are discovered. After Return, Hyre may charge the credit card to settle costs for which the Renter is responsible. The Reserved Amount (or the portion that remains after Hyre has deducted from the Reserved Amount) will be released no later than 7 business days after valid Return.

Hyre reserves the right to conduct a credit check – for example, by searching for the Renter in the RKI (Danish Credit Information Registry) or similar registers – at any time. When the Renter places an Order, Hyre may require prepayment before the Order is confirmed. If payment is not made, the claim will, after prior notice, be sent to a collection agency.

See Terms and Conditions for Current Prices, Fees, and Rules for Disbursements for more information on fees and prices.

All payments from the Renter to Hyre mentioned in the above section and other sections of these Rental Terms constitute obligatory monetary services. Hyre is entitled, without prior notice, to deduct from the Reservation for any obligatory payment. A Renter cannot make a new booking for a car (an Order) if there are outstanding amounts owed to Hyre by the Renter.

Fuel Card

A fuel card is linked to each car, which can be used for refueling, car washes, oil, windshield washer fluid, and other "keep-going" products. The fuel card is directly linked to the specific car and must not be used to fuel other cars, nor should the card be used by anyone other than the Renter.

"Keep-going" products include coolant, carburetor fluid, engine oil, windshield washer fluid, lock oil, de-icer, and wiper blades.

The actual consumption on the fuel card is generally invoiced together with the rental payment. Due to the billing periods of fuel companies, there may be a time lag between the time of purchase on the fuel card and the fuel company’s invoicing to Hyre. The Renter is also responsible for consumption that is invoiced after the end of the rental period. Products paid for with the Renter’s own funds will not be reimbursed unless the purchase was strictly necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle.

The Renter is liable for any use of the fuel card, and Hyre is not responsible for any misuse or unauthorized use of the fuel card.

See Issuer's Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Fuel Card for more information.

Rental Duration

The Renter must return the vehicle in the same condition as indicated in the booking and within the return deadline. The return is considered complete when the vehicle is locked, the rental is completed in the Hyre app, and pictures of all sides of the car are taken and submitted via the Hyre app ("Return").

The car must be parked in the parking space that matches the parking information for each car in the app. If parking at the designated space is unavailable, Hyre must be contacted immediately for further instructions on where to park the vehicle. Parking must be legal for at least 24 hours from the end of the rental period. If Hyre has to pick up the vehicle outside the designated location or area without Hyre's prior consent, this is done at the Renter's own risk, and the Renter is responsible at all times for covering the incurred costs and fees, according to the applicable prices for delivery outside the pick-up area. In case of late return of the vehicle, in addition to the cost of the extended rental period, a fee will be charged according to the current prices. Payment does not entitle the Renter to use the car beyond the rental period.

Hyre may, if there is a valid reason, require the vehicle to be returned earlier than agreed.

For late delivery or cancellation of an Order, the Terms for Current Prices, Fees, and Disbursement Rules apply.

Renter’s Obligations and Responsibilities

The Renter is obliged to comply with the current rules and membership conditions for Hyre, as stated in the Agreement. The Renter is responsible for complying with traffic laws, as well as checking lights, brakes, seatbelts, tires, air pressure, and similar before using the car.

Renter’s Treatment and Use of the Vehicle

The Renter is responsible for ensuring that both private and public regulations applicable to the use of the car are observed.

The Renter must always have a valid driver’s license.

The car may only be used by the Renter or another Hyre-approved driver linked to the Order.

The Renter indemnifies Hyre from any liability it may incur to the public (including tax or duty-related claims) or to private parties due to the use the Renter or a third party makes of the car, including any failure to observe regulations.

By agreeing to the Rental Terms, the Renter declares in good faith that neither they nor anyone they may entrust the car to has been convicted of reckless driving, driving under the influence, or other serious traffic offenses, including (but not limited to):

  1. Negligent manslaughter
  2. Driving under the influence (with a blood alcohol level over 2.00)
  3. Intentional endangerment of someone’s life or physical safety
  4. Driving at a speed of 200 km/h or more
  5. Driving at a speed exceeding the legal limits by more than 100%, while driving over 100 km/h
  6. Reckless driving, including street racing, dangerous driving while fleeing from the police, etc.

The renter further declares that neither they nor anyone they allow to use the vehicle has previously committed traffic offenses resulting in an unconditional or conditional prison sentence.

The renter understands and accepts that they will be held liable if the vehicle is used for reckless driving, as defined by the above-mentioned offenses, resulting in the vehicle being seized or confiscated, in accordance with Act No. 534 of March 27, 2021 (enhanced measures against reckless driving). The same applies if the vehicle is subject to seizure or confiscation on any other grounds, regardless of whether the confiscation or seizure can be attributed to the renter.

The renter is responsible for the vehicle and any expenses arising from its use during the rental period until the vehicle is returned, including parking fines, speeding tickets, and road tolls. The renter must park in accordance with local parking regulations and Hyre's parking terms. The renter must always lock the vehicle and place any keys in the designated area.

The renter commits to handling the vehicle responsibly and agrees not to:

  1. Smoke in the vehicle
  2. Take the vehicle outside the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, and Norway) without Hyre's consent
  3. Use the vehicle for driving lessons, races, speed tests, or competitions
  4. Transport passengers for payment
  5. Use the vehicle for illegal or criminal purposes
  6. Allow others to use the vehicle or drive it, except those approved by Hyre
  7. Tow, push, or move another vehicle
  8. Leave the vehicle unlocked or in a way that allows it to be used by others
  9. Fill the vehicle with incorrect fuel
  10. Transport pets unless specifically agreed with Hyre
  11. Drive the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs or in any impaired state as per Danish law
  12. Engage in reckless or illegal driving
  13. Start the vehicle with jump-start cables or use the vehicle to start other vehicles with jump-start cables

(This list is not exhaustive)

The renter is liable for damages caused by violating points 1 through 13 or for any other cause, and Hyre has the right to full compensation for economic expenses or losses. Breaching points 1 through 13 is considered a material breach of the rental terms, giving Hyre the right to terminate the agreement and cancel the renter's profile with immediate effect. During the rental period, and until the vehicle is returned to Hyre in accordance with the rental terms, the renter assumes full responsibility for the vehicle and its use.

If the police or other public authorities determine that the vehicle has been used for illegal or inappropriate purposes or reckless driving during the rental period, the vehicle may be confiscated immediately, without the renter being entitled to a replacement vehicle or financial compensation. Any transportation in this context will be at the renter's expense. If the vehicle is confiscated by the police or other public authorities due to reckless driving or other illegal driving, the cost of reacquiring or replacing the vehicle will be the renter’s responsibility.

Cleaning and Vehicle Condition Maintenance

The vehicle must be returned in the same condition and with all accessories and equipment as at the start of the rental period. Damage not covered by the vehicle’s insurance will be charged to the renter. Hyre reserves the right to charge the renter for any damages, even if the repairs are not made by Hyre. The vehicle must always be cleared of garbage and similar items. The vehicle must not be returned dirty (for example, after driving on muddy gravel roads, fresh asphalt, or oil gravel). The renter must not leave the interior of the vehicle dirtier than what can be expected from normal use (e.g., dirty floor mats). If the vehicle is returned in a condition that violates this, the renter may be charged for the cost of a special cleaning, as well as an administration fee, in accordance with Hyre’s applicable commercial terms for prices, fees, and disbursement rules.

The renter is not responsible for cleaning external dirt caused by normal use before returning the vehicle, such as ordinary dust from highway driving or small mud marks on the wheels in winter.

In cases of insufficient cleaning, the applicable commercial terms for prices, fees, and disbursement rules apply.

Damages and Technical Issues at the Start of the Rental Period

If there is any uncertainty regarding the maintenance or condition of the vehicle at the start of the rental period, the renter must immediately contact Hyre, and the vehicle must not be used until the matter is clarified with Hyre. The renter assumes the risk if such contact and clarification do not take place.

Technical issues that arise or are known to Hyre during a rental period and can be resolved within a reasonable timeframe, based on the renter’s needs and the duration of the rental, do not entitle the renter to terminate or cancel the order. Examples include refilling motor oil, windshield washer fluid, or maintaining tire pressure. If the renter chooses to cancel or terminate the order despite this, they are not entitled to a refund, and they remain liable for all payments, including rent for the rental period, minus the time it would have taken to rectify the technical issue. Additionally, Hyre is not responsible for any costs incurred by the renter in returning the vehicle to Hyre (returning the vehicle).

Damages and Technical Issues During the Rental

The renter assumes responsibility for the vehicle and its use from the time the agreement is signed until the vehicle is properly returned to Hyre (return).

The renter is obligated to immediately contact Hyre regarding any damages or technical failures. Hyre or its representative will then provide instructions on how to proceed. Under no circumstances should the renter carry out repairs or improvements or allow a third party to do so without Hyre’s prior written consent.

The renter is responsible for all theft and damages occurring during the rental period.

The vehicle is insured, and liability for covered damages and theft is limited. The rental insurance is based on an agreement directly with the insurance company.

The deductible for damages follows the current terms in the insurance agreement. A separate agreement to reduce the renter's deductible may be made in cases where Hyre can offer this. In the event of damage or liability, the renter is required to pay the deductible, which is due immediately. Theft, fire, vandalism, and personal injury must be reported to the police immediately. A fixed deductible applies for rescue or assistance due to a collision, skid, overturning, damage, or other accidental, sudden external impacts. Costs related to roadside assistance for user errors such as incorrect fuel filling, lost key, or a dead battery due to leaving lights on, among others, will be fully charged to the renter.

In case of damage, the renter must fill out a complete damage report, which is provided in the vehicle, and the renter must not abandon the vehicle before taking appropriate safety measures to prevent or limit the damage. A completed damage report must be submitted to Hyre without undue delay after the damage occurs.

If the notification and/or damage report is not provided to Hyre according to the guidelines in these rental terms, the renter is responsible for any additional costs incurred in connection with the damage and which are attributable to delayed or absent submission of the damage report. Hyre reserves the right to bill the renter within the limits of the insurance agreement for any damages. The renter is obligated to pay even if there is a dispute or a claim for compensation against a third party.

The deductible and insurance coverage are described in the insurance terms.

Damage Registration and Reporting

Damages and deficiencies must be reported to Hyre by contacting the email hej@hyre.dk or through our chat. If immediate assistance is needed, Hyre can be reached at +45 52 51 26 99.

Damage Inspection and Inspection Obligation

The renter must always inspect the exterior of the vehicle for damages and other defects and take photos of all sides of the car both before pickup and upon return of the car. The renter must also inspect the interior of the car at pickup and return and report any deviations, including damages, dirt, waste, missing or defective equipment, any smells, or other issues affecting the perceived condition of the vehicle. The renter must take photos of all reported issues that are visible in the images. If the renter is unsure whether the condition of the car should be reported, Hyre's customer service must be contacted for clarification before the renter leaves the parking lot. The renter is responsible for ensuring that the documentation for the vehicle’s condition through photos is of sufficient quality to document any damages, scratches, or defects before and after the rental period. Documentation of the vehicle’s condition is required to close a rental period. Failure to fulfill the renter’s obligation to document the vehicle’s condition is the renter’s own risk and constitutes a material breach of the agreement, giving Hyre the right to terminate the agreement and close the renter’s profile with immediate effect. The renter is responsible for damages discovered after the rental period that were not documented by the renter at the start of the rental period.

By taking photos/videos during damage inspection to document the vehicle’s condition at pickup and return, you grant Hyre a non-exclusive transferable right to use, modify, publicly display, reproduce, distribute, and share this content with third parties.

Hyre’s Obligations and Responsibilities

Hyre is a service that allows renters to complete a vehicle rental in a flexible and hassle-free manner. Hyre manages the contract, payment, damage control, vehicle unlocking, and calculates costs.

Through the Hyre app, Hyre offers several services that the renter can use during the rental period, including, for example:

  • Refueling
  • Parking services
  • Handling of toll charges and payments

Any use of these services will be invoiced to the renter after the rental period ends.

Hyre assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of property that the renter or another person has left, stored, or transported in the vehicle during the rental period or after the return. The renter waives the right to claim against Hyre for such losses or damages.

Hyre disclaims all liability to the renter regarding loss of time, money, or anything else arising from or connected to the rental relationship beyond the liability described in this agreement. Hyre is not responsible if the vehicle's condition results in the renter being delayed.

Hyre is not responsible for content, materials, or other items displayed on third-party websites linked to Hyre or linked from Hyre.

Force Majeure

If Hyre is prevented from providing the service, or if such an obligation to provide service becomes unreasonably burdensome due to a labor dispute or any other circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as extreme weather, fire, war, mobilization, or unforeseen military uprising of similar scope, requisition, seizure, currency restrictions, riots, lack of transportation, general shortage of goods, reduction in the supply of power, and shortages or delays in deliveries from subcontractors or manufacturers due to such circumstances covered by this clause, Hyre is exempt from liability.

Right of Withdrawal

There is no right of withdrawal when renting cars on the Hyre platform (the Hyre app). However, Hyre may, under certain circumstances, allow the renter to cancel an order, possibly subject to a cancellation fee, according to the terms for prices, fees, and refund rules. The right of withdrawal applicable to subscriptions is described in section 6 concerning the Hyre Pass.

Fee Adjustment

Hyre may increase existing fees and/or introduce new fees if the increase/the new fee is due to income-related, market-related, cost-related, or regulatory reasons. This could be, for example, in the event of:

  • A general increase in the cost level
  • Increased costs to external suppliers
  • Changes in law, legal practice, or administrative practice that lead to increased expenses or reduced income for Hyre
  • Changes related to the basis on which the renter's individual fee terms were previously determined
  • A more efficient use of Hyre's resources or capacity, for example, if Hyre wishes to encourage the use of specific solutions.

This list is not exhaustive.


Hyre may terminate the agreement at any time with immediate effect. The renter will typically be notified, but notification of termination is not a condition for the termination to take effect. A renter may also delete their account in the Hyre app at any time.

Termination takes effect from the time the notice is given. The renter is, however, required to pay any outstanding amounts due at the time of termination, as well as any amounts that become due from the renter to Hyre after the renter's termination. Any reservation on the renter's credit card will be released no later than 7 business days after valid return (unless Hyre has drawn or offset the reservation before then).

Any existing order at the time of termination will be automatically canceled at the same time as the termination, without the renter being able to claim any compensation from Hyre.

Changes to Terms of Use

Hyre reserves the right to modify the agreement, including these rental terms. The applicable terms of the agreement are always available on Hyre's website and in the Hyre app. In the event of significant changes to the agreement, you will be notified in advance. By continuing to use the service after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by the updated terms of the agreement. If you do not accept the changes, you must notify us in writing and refrain from using the service.

Complaints Procedure

As a car rental company, Hyre can be subject to complaints filed with:

The Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints
Nævnenes Hus
Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg

Complaints can be submitted electronically to the Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints at www.naevneneshus.dk.

The fee for filing a complaint with the Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints is DKK 100.00.

Before submitting the complaint, the renter must have unsuccessfully tried to contact Hyre to reach a satisfactory solution to the issues being complained about.

Only if a common solution cannot be reached via the Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints can the renter bring the case to the Consumer Complaints Board within a period of 4 weeks. The fee for filing a complaint with the Consumer Complaints Board is DKK 400.00, which will be refunded if the renter is successful or if the complaint cannot be processed by the board.


Hyre, as a car rental company, is supervised by:

The Consumer Ombudsman
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby

Compensation of Partners

Hyre may, in some cases, receive or pay commissions or other compensation when Hyre purchases or facilitates a partner's products.

No Guarantee Fund or Guarantee Scheme

There is no guarantee fund or guarantee scheme applicable to this agreement.

Disputes and Governing Law

The agreement and your rental of Hyre's cars are governed by Danish law, excluding Danish conflict of law rules that refer to the laws of another country. Disputes that cannot be resolved amicably between the parties shall be settled by the Danish courts, with the Copenhagen City Court as the court of first instance.